Our Declaration
Migrant workers are important members of our communities and perform essential work in many industries. Many of these workers are issued employer-specific work permits, which make it extremely difficult to change jobs, restricting their labour mobility within the country. This is a violation of their fundamental human right to freely change employers.
The widespread abuse and mistreatment of migrant workers in Canada fuelled by this unjust policy is extensively documented. There is a growing consensus that these permits significantly contribute to the heightened vulnerability of migrant workers to violations of their rights. Migrant workers and their allies have long demanded that the government put an end to the employer-specific work permit and implement policies that would respect workers’ right to freely change employers.
Canada has given repeated assurances that addressing the rampant violations of migrant workers’ rights is a priority. While the federal government has tried to address the harm created by the employer-specific work permit with a variety of different approaches, none have had any substantial impact on the structural vulnerability of migrant workers to the systemic abuse by employers.
Transformative and lasting solutions are needed. Until migrant workers can freely change employers, they will have little choice but to endure exploitative and unsafe working conditions. It is time for the government to abolish the employer-specific work permit and issue open work permits to all migrant workers, regardless of national origin or occupation.
We believe that addressing the rampant violations of migrant workers' rights is a priority. Transformative and lasting solutions are needed.
About Us
This declaration was prepared by the Campaign for Open Work Permits Now. The Campaign is coordinated by the Canadian Council for Refugees and led by its Migrant Workers Committee. It brings together organizations and individuals from across the country committed to advancing the rights of migrant workers in Canada.
Canadian Council for Refugees
Migrante Canada
Migrante Alberta
Immigrant Workers Centre
Association for the Rights of Household and Farm Workers
OCASI - Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants
National Alliance of Racialized, Refugee and Im/Migrant Women
United Food and Commercial Workers Canada
Collaborative Network to End Exploitation
FCJ Refugee Centre
Migrants Resource Centre Canada
Legal Assistance of Windsor
Cooper Institute
PEI Action Team for Migrant Worker Rights
Our Lady's Missionaries
Clinique pour la justice migrante
Centre d'activités populaires et éducatives (CAPE)
Réseau d'intervention auprès des personnes ayant subi la violence organisée (RIVO)
Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)
Table de concertation des organismes au service des personnes réfugiées et immigrantes (TCRI)
Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies
International Migration Research Centre
Waterloo Region Community Legal Services
Becoming Neighbours
Comité d'action contre la traite humaine interne et internationale (CATHII)
Le Pont
Réseau d'aide aux travailleuses et travailleurs migrants agricoles du Québec (RATTMAQ)
- Office for Systemic Justice, Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph of Canada
Ursuline Sisters of Chatham
Sexual Assault Centre (Hamilton and Area) SACHA
Citizens for Public Justice
Comité SNJM Justice et Paix
Fédération des maisons d’hébergement pour femmes (FMHF)